Vonact Marine

Vonact is the Australian and New Zealand distributor for TyeTec.

TyeTec® LOOP are leading the way in soft attached, self aligning, lightweight and for the first time affordable yachting hardware. Whilst the development of modern fibres has been significant over the last five years, the matching hardware with stainless steel attachments has not kept up. The Safe Working Load (SWL) of a traditional Harken or Lewmar block is not even close to the SWL of the ropes they recommend using. TyeTec® LOOP has developed products that match modern fibres without being oversize in dimension or weight. The sheave centre carries the primary load for lightweight and strong blocks. Custom LOOP lengths can be supplied for different applications and LOOP beckets are easily attached when required. Combined with TyeTec® LOOP’s range of lightweight connectors, rope shackles, soft padeyes, CNC milled thimbles and deflectors you can make serious weight savings. Compare the weight, size, safe working load (SWL) and price of TyeTec® LOOP products with our competition.

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